If you have one of these


and one of these


Then here’s some helpful configuration and hints to get you started.

Connecting MIDI Captain to the Stratus

Use a USB-MIDI host adapter as recommended in https://help.chaosaudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/22372528997012-Supported-MIDI-Controllers. You’ll might need a MIDI to TRS adapter like this one [not an affiliate link].

If have also tried the https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09S5YC2Z9, which works just fine but takes up much more space.

SuperMode to Rule Them All

Install either SuperMode FW 4.0 or Normal+Geek+Super 3in1 FW 4.0 on the MIDI Captain using the provided instructions. Once installed copy and paste the following files into the following paths:

Download and copy to supersetup directory:


Download and copy to wallpaper directory:


Disconnect the MIDI Captain from the computer and boot into SuperMode if you installed Normal+Geek+Super 3in1 FW 4.0 using the instructions provided.

If all goes according to plan you should see the following when you power on the MIDI Captain:


The Controls

Use button 1 to toggle on/off Live Mode. Use the bottom row (A - D) to Enable or Bypass effects 1 - 4. Effects 5 - 7 are controlled with the rest of the top buttons (2 - 4). The Up and Down buttons increment or decrement the preset number, starting at 0.

Toggling on Live Mode resets the preset to 0 and toggles all effect button states off.

Button Action
1 Toggles Live Mode On/Off (clears all button states / resets preset to 0)
2 Enable / Bypass Effect 5
3 Enable / Bypass Effect 6
4 Enable / Bypass Effect 7
A Enable / Bypass Effect 1
B Enable / Bypass Effect 2
C Enable / Bypass Effect 3
D Enable / Bypass Effect 4
Up Load Next Preset (starting at 0)
Down Load Previous Preset

Bonus: Exp1 is mapped to the Volume knob, which controls the master volume.

Button States

The Enable / Bypass buttons (A - D and 2 - 4) LED’s will glow green when the Effect is toggled to “Enable” and will turn off when the effect is in “Bypass”. It is important to note that it is NOT feasible for the MIDI Captain (or possibly any other external MIDI controller) to know the state of each effect in the preset. This means if the effect is Enabled in the preset the button LED state will not reflect the state initially. Toggle the button a few times to Bypass and re-Enable the effect if necessary.

Preset Number